Laser Measurement


Measuring low power, slowly pulsing beams: “Low Frequency Power”

Are you trying to measure a low-power, slowly pulsing beam (think of a VCSEL beam for example) – and getting frustrated? Measuring low-power, slowly pulsing beams using photodiode sensors …


Auto Range: Issues to Be Aware of

Laser power meters have a wide dynamic range typically divided into several scales or “ranges”.


Certificate of Calibration (C.O.C.) Explained

The Certificate of Calibration (C.O.C.) certifies that your Ophir instrument meets all its specifications. It tells you – quantitatively - exactly how accurate your Ophir measurement …


Juno-RS: The New RS232-based Virtual Meter

If you need to connect your laser power or energy sensors to an automation system – or to a PC – using RS232 communication, the new Juno-RS Virtual Meter from Ophir may be just the …


Understanding Laser Measurement Accuracy

If you’re using a laser in your process or research, you already know how important it is to monitor what your laser is doing – so you regularly measure it. You even check the power …


Product Feature: 3A-IS Integrating Sphere Sensor

Measuring a widely diverging, low power beam (think of laser diodes, fibers, etc.) can be challenging. The 3A-IS family of Integrating Sphere Sensors can help you fully capture and …


Fiber Optic Adapters for Ophir Sensors

Need to measure a laser beam coming out of a fiber? To do it right, the fiber will need to be suitably positioned in front of the sensor, and held steady. Learn about fiber adapters …


Details on all of our laser measurement instruments.

Technical Note

Discontinued Products

In this table you will find the product that is the closest match to the product you were looking for (with links to detailed specifications). These products are no longer available: …

Technical Note

Obsolete Laser Beam Analysis Products

In this table you will find the product that is the closest match to the product you were looking for (with links to detailed specifications). These products are no longer available: 

SP90144M2 …

Technical Note

Obsolete Laser Beam Analysis Accessories

In this table you will find the product that is the closest match to the product you were looking for (with links to detailed specifications). These products are no longer available: 12485+001 …


Software Solutions

Ophir has several complete software solutions. In addition, Ophir offers a COM object and LabVIEW demos for system integrators.


Software / Firmware Listing

This listing shows the compatibility between the power meters and the software program, and also includes the power meter firmware update information.


Ophir laser power meters work on the smart plug principle. This means that almost any Ophir power meter can work – plug and play – with almost any of the wide range of Ophir sensors. …


Ophir offers a complete range of laser power and energy sensors measuring femtowatts to hundreds of kilowatts and picojoules to hundreds of joules. Ophir products enhance our customers’ …

Selection Guide

Laser Sensor Finder

Find the laser sensor that meets your requirements.

Technical Note

Power Meter System Integration

Besides their use as stand-alone, fully featured laser power/energy meters, Ophir devices are easily incorporated into larger end-user applications. This allows system integrators to …

Technical Article

Innovative Measurement Technology Enables Next Level Industrial Am

Reichenbacher relies on Ophir BeamPeek Measurement System.The metalworking industry is evolving. Additive manufacturing methods — even in combination with machining treatments — are …


Product Feature: Ariel – Great Instrument, Now Even Better

The Ophir Ariel – a palm-sized, robust laser power meter for high power industrial applications – has just been made even better! Check it out in this video.


In-Process vs At-Process Monitoring in Industrial Laser Processing

Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”(1) …

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