Naval Thermal Imaging

Ophir’s naval thermal imaging lenses give you the power to see clearly through total darkness and solar glare, as well as light fog and smoke. Used for multiple defense missions, such as navigation, collision avoidance, threat detection, surveillance, and search and rescue missions. Designed to meet the extreme environmental conditions at sea, including high humidity, sock and vibrations, saltwater and salt fog. Providing a crisp image over the full zoom range, with MTF close to the diffraction limit, and outstanding detection, recognition and identification (DRI) ranges.

NEW! AquashieldIR™ hydrophobic coating

Clearview in the Harshest Vision Conditions

Ophir’s continuous zoom lenses are available for various FPA formats, including High Definition XGA and SXGA, providing a crisp clean image over full zoom range, MTF close to the diffraction limit and outstanding detection, recognition and identification (DRI) ranges.

With decades of knowledge and experience, having delivered thousands of continuous zoom lenses for defense and naval applications, Ophir has earned its reputation as a world leading one-stop-shop for IR continuous zoom lenses. Our R&D engineering team works in collaboration with our defense customers and leading detector manufacturers, to develop and design optimized optics with unparalleled optical performance quality – for which we are known worldwide.

Naval Thermal Imaging Lens Characteristics

  • Rugged design assures operability in extreme temperatures and the toughest environments
  • Accurate thru-zoom boresight
  • Focal length range from 15 mm to 275 mm
  • High optical performance
  • Available with high durability, low reflection hard carbon AR coating
  • Fast FOV change
  • Compatible with major MWIR & LWIR detectors
  • Diffraction-limited optical design
  • Athermal compensation
  • Pre-set, discrete optical zoom positions
  • CPU controlled via RS 485 or RS 232

LWIR Naval / Maritime Thermal Imaging Lenses

MWIR Naval / Maritime Thermal Imaging Lenses

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